Wednesday, February 15, 2006

Fresh Start and optimism...

This seems like as good a time as any to delete all my old posts and start again. I've finally finished my PhD, stopped feeling sorry for myself, and given up expecting a knight on a white charger any moment.

Actually, it does feel like a time of change. I've been a student of one kind or another for almost exactly 13 years, and in that time I managed an Oxford first in Theology and a PhD. I'm about to draw finally an amicable but definite line under my marriage after two years separation. When I started studying, I was a single parent of 5 children: now I have just one teenager at home. I'm about to start a new stage in my career as a full time academic after years of part time, juggling and contract work.

I'm looking forward to it all with some fear: can I really pull this off? But I'm also excited and hopeful and more contented than I have been for a very long time. I want to document this period in my life as it happens, because I know for certain it will look different with hindsight. I was looking at my teenage diaries yesterday, and as I read them, I knew what it felt like to be 14 again. Bearing witness is so much more important than remembering. Women of my age don't usually explore this kind of stuff in public.

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