Sunday, October 08, 2006

Kitchen, sink, drama (three words, not one phrase)


I'm thick with cold, and exhausted from a busy week, but at last there's some really positive news. I think the pictures tell it all, really. Here's what my kitchen looked like in mid-September:

Here's what was originally planned:

And this was a picture I took last night:

Not bad, eh? Second son did a magnificent job, and although there's a small amount still to do by way of snagging, I have a fully functional dream kitchen. All I need now is someone to appreciate my cooking in it.


And yes, the sink *is*, truly, to die for. Black astrocast, 1.5 sinks with a steel inset in the .5 bit, which also houses the waste disposal unit, and a sexy mixer tap that really mixes. I still can't wash up, though - it ruins my hands, dah-lings.


Just as I was taking the picture above, Mr Scrabble-Player-ex turned up to drop off a cd. So for all you soap fans out there who wondered what happened next, here it is: his married lady love is really, really, really going to tell her husband, just as soon as their current project is over. Really. And then she'll leave him and she and Mr S-P-e will live happily ever after...

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